07 September 2007

Slacking off

Newcastle Brown Ale. Lovely.

Nothing to share today, really. I’m tired. And I’ve spent too much time writing for this blog rather than working on my dissertation. Today I realized just how far behind I am and am panicking a bit. I also need to prepare for the upcoming term as well as compose a short paper for a conference. I foresee many a sleepless night ahead. . .

I believe that sounding off on here has been good for me. Admittedly, I often look this page over and think, "Good God, many, many people have suffered really horrific experiences. Mine is nothing. What a lot of boo-hooing and whining. Why don’t I just get over it all and get on with my life?” Yes, these stories from my past might be insignificant compared to others' experiences, but just holding everything in and letting it simmer can’t be good for me either; doing just that resulted in my anxiety disorder, I think. It’s certainly resulted in a hella amount of free-floating anger.

R.I.P. Luciano Pavarotti. And thank you.

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