17 September 2007

An "A-Ha" Moment

Although I'd planned for a long bike ride today, the weather wasn't conducive. Instead, I spent the day in my pajamas catching up on magazines I subscribe to.

One article, from the August 20th New Yorker, in particular caught my attention: "Parallel Play A lifetime of restless isolation explained." Tim Page, a music critic, wrote the article. He recounted his lifelong isolation, his attempts to "fit in," his social awkwardness, his obsession over minutiae, his reportedly high IQ, and I thought "Holy cow. This sounds way too familiar." The point is, a few years ago he was diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome. So is it possible that I have this condition? Is this, and not my family situation, the reason why I am the way I am?

For a few reasons, I've declined any meetings with psychologists or psychiatrists for the past decade. I'm far too suspicious of the mental health industry as a whole. Page's article, however, has me thinking that perhaps I should seek some psych assistance.

Perhaps I do have a conditon that predisposes me to certain behaviours, and my family situation simply exacerbated that condition. I actually hope this is the case. . .because I would be able to concretize, define, me.


Sethish said...

Asperger's? Yeah probably.

Unfortunately it's a little hard to diagnose Asperger's, and it's kinda hard to define in the first place. Try to find someone who has some experience with the syndrome.

I figured out that I had asperger's after reading a news article about the guy who created Bit Torrent. He has severe Asperger's. Neat guy, very helpful story.

I've had quite a bit of drama in my life, and have been diagnosed with several various disorders, but none of them made a fraction asmuch sense as Asperger's

Sordid Girl said...

Asperger's _sounds_ appropriate, but, like you say, it's of those vaguely defined disorders, and I tend to be suspicious of those. I'm stubborn about seeking help, too--but I will try to check it out, just so I can feel a bit "figured out."

You say that you have Asperger's; were you diagnosed with other disorders before finding out you had Asperger's? I'm sorry about your personal drama. Has the diagnosis eased some of that? Best wishes to you.
(and I'll check out the Bit Torrent guy if I can. Thanks)