25 September 2007

More music--The Birthday Party

I’ve been listening to The Birthday Party a heck of a lot lately. The Birthday Party was an early 80s Australian band; its members included Nick Cave and Mick Harvey. Sadly, The Birthday Party is fairly obscure now (in the crowds I move in, at any rate)

Seriously folks, if you like Nick Cave, and / or if you like dark, sleazy, anarchic, wild, blistering, depraved early post-punk that skitters between mean rockabilly and proto-industrial, this group is for you. Hey, if they were good enough for John Peel (who loved them), then they‘re good enough for. . . .

I first discovered The Birthday Party long after they’d broken up. I was working in a record shop in the early 1990s, and some distributor sent the store a promo copy of Hits. I fell in love at first hearing--and nobody else could stand it. Happily, my manager sent that promo cassette home with me. I still have it, but I’ve “upgraded” to the CD. Now that I’ve finally collected all of my BP material on my iPod, I’m never without.

Now I just need to get a new copy of Hole’s Pretty on the Inside and I’ll be set. . .for a while, at any rate.